Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Travelog Hamba- Madinah

Salam sayang semua..

Lama Lyan xupdate blog nieyh.. xde idea..xde masa..xde cik lappy plak..so xdelah gigih sangat Lyan nak update..hari nie.. Things in My Mind..Lyan nk cite sal Travelog Hamba buat Sang Pemegang Hati...

First of all..Lyan bersyukur sangat kehadrat Illahi..sebab dalam banyak banyak hambaNya..Dia pilih Lyan untuk datang ziarah rumah Dia..Allahu..terima kasih..tacim plak disenjakala gini..uhuhu..

Now..tengah Lyan update blog..ade auntue sebelah blik nie..die tgh ketuk pintu blik dia..but hubby dia and her son tido..keras..zzz..mmg xsedar dri dah..we olls..the woman..baru lepas balik raudah..ziarah makan cinta hati umat islam..kesian auntie nie..nk ajak tido bilik..abg plak ada..so xboleh lah..

We olls satu rombongan..sangatlah exhausted hari nie..Lyan sdri pun..tadi dh tido..time menunggu nak masuk raudah..mama cakap Lyan berdengkur..Erkk...memalukan tollah...uhuuu..T-T

Okaylah..Lyan just briefing a little bit je..Like i said..kitorang penat..tetibe la plak lapor time nie..cmne xgemok..asyik lapor je..sedih..uhuhu..

So, Lyan belanja gambar sikit ar..utk cuci mata korang..hotel ktorg..

Bilik nie..look exclusive..and nice..

Actually, susah nk update blog via smartphone nie..but..huhu..

Kitorang stay at Hajrat Al ... lupa nama once again  tadi ptg dh lupa..pastu sesat..then Lyan gigih cakap kat along..Kitorang duduk Hajrat Al Farouk..hahha..pastu yg pacik ikut Lyan tue pun sekali lah tersesat dalam keadaan yang nyata..

So, Nytez my dear.. Lya dah nak tidow..esk lisa..Lyan update agi..kalau rajin..erm..98% mls..sbb susah nk upoad sume..uhuu..

Till we meet again..

Lyan-from Earth of Medina

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Atkins Diary-Induction Phase (for my research)

Hi dear..ceewaahh bajet mat salleh..

Okay..today I just wanna review about my 3days streak of atkins diet.

The second day..i went lunch at stall only. I'm not really have time to prepare the lunch. So, i order beef soup. my favourite compare to the chicken one. i'm kinda type of not easily boring with what i like or love.

So, since i dont know the actual ingredients inside for the soup. So I assume they maybe put some sugar inside. As precaution, steps I wont finished the soup. I just take the beef itself.😂😂

Sajian Lestari Sup Daging

For dinner.. I'm having some simple dishes which is eggs.. This time my sexy eggs is 60% sexy.. I had about 3-4 eggs added with some black and white pepper to reduce the smell of eggs. This time I wont take picture because my handphone out of battery.

Then..yesterday I had 1 slice of Ramly Chicken Burger (the meat only) and I coated it with 2 eggs and on the top of them and i put on some chesdale. This meat gave me 7carbs, thats why I only took a slice. I always take care of my carbs when saw it on nutritional facts but the one who hidden I just close my eyes..🙈🙈

The meat below the eggs actually.

Yesterday Im so busy. I only had my breakfast  and then only have the second meal at 7.30pm. I feel like wanna die already. I thinks because of I cut off the intake of carbs then I need to consume enough protein for energy. Thats why most atkiners eat 3 times daily. If not I will feel very tired.

Last night I had some beef grill. I have grill at 200°C for 1hour. Yet, I still dont now either its fully cooked or not, I just put into my mouth..Cant resist the hunger anymore on that time..hahaha..Also dont have picture to show. My brain only look at the beef to cooked.Cannot think of anything else..The beef I dipped into "sambal tempoyak". The taste was crazy and I know its have lot of carbs but I just assume dont know. 

Last night I wont go to the gym because my left leg hurt. I think the muscle injured due to practice kicking of punching bag 50 times each legs.

So I try to do some oopsie bread. 1st trial so bad..but the second is better. For the recipe better search on google and the technique is very very important. If you do wrong it will become pancake not bread.

Oopsie bread of 2nd trial

Today I fasting without eating sahoor. I hope I still have energy until break-fasting. I love sleeps more then sahoor, but in Ramadhan I will wakeup for sahoor. Remember the last 3 days when I start the atkins diet my weight is 59.++ (can check from my previous post). I cant remember the exactly value. So today early in the morning I went to production site and weighed myself. Im so happy when the 58.4 appeared. I have lost 1kg for last 3 days streak. Even not much but still grateful. hahaha..plus cheated with tempoyak.

Also today no gym day. My legs still hurt. Cannot do any exercise yet. Before ending my atkins diary. I will attach 2 more pictures of first day atkins diet. So bye and until we meet again.
Chicken grill with some burn eggs and cheese

Sexy eggs with Ramly chicken burger and chesdale

Friday, October 16, 2015

Diari Atkins- Diet Atkins Fasa Induction

Hari nie..aku nk tulis kat dashboard..utk diri aku sndri..org lain xleh bca..sbb tue aku gune kan pkataan aku..huhu..

arini.. dh 2 ari ber-atkins diet..dlm ht mcm2 fkir..sumpah..xtipu.. antra bnde aku fkir adelah..btul ke jadi nie..boleh caye ke..dh..blh ke mkn smua protein..kalori cmne plak.?? ha..tue la..bnde yg aku fkir..tapi...aku buang2 sume negative thoughts tue..aku juz cuba je..coz..aku mmg nk krus..mmg btul2 nk krus.. hahahaha

org msti tnye..knp aku nak krus?? sbb nye..aku nak lah!!! hahaha..krus lebih baik dri gemuk kan...n krus blh mkn bnyak..sbb aku suke mkn..aum..aum..

so..semalam aku start lah..atkin aku nieyh..nie xtpu erk..nie sbgai uji kajian aku..hahaha..sbgai rujukan suatu ari nanti..

smlm aku pose..sbb aku nak latih perut..kecikkan pewot..mama ckp..perut cam belon..lagi kite isi..lagi die kembang..so kne kurang mkn bru kecik..tpi nieyh mmg btull cubalah..bila kite jrg mkn..i mean mkn skit..bile nnti nk mkn bnyak dh xleh..tpi..bile pksa2 lame2 buleh gak..cam aku ckp r..perut cam belon..

so..smlm..aku bkak pose ngan..ayam grill..aku grill atas pan je..non stick..n no sugar added lah..name pun atkin kan..aku tak tgkp gmbr..next time la aku tgkp gmbr..xsmpat..blik keje..solat..pastu nk grill ayam plak..so..aku grill jela ayam atas pan..sbb xde kuali ajaib maib tue..n xde oven jgak.. so..aku summerize la skit nape ade dlm menu aku bkak pose for 1st day..

1-ayam grill
2-telur dadar
4-salad n tomato ceri

aku jnis org yg xleh mkn haiwan saje..msti kne complete set dgn sayur..mybe sbb mama dri kecik ajor mkn sayur..

flashback skit..

dlu mase aku kekecik..mama sllu pksa aku mkn sawi..pahit tuhan saje tahu..tpi sbb tkut..aku telan gak..mama aku nurse yg garang..tpi tq.mama..lap u mama..

ok..sambung...ha..sbb aku ade tgk beberapa ig yg ada menu..for atkiners aku follow jer menu2tuw ..sbb mls fkir..mkn ape2..moreover..protein nie cpt bosan..satu bnde xbosan dlm hdup aku..adelah nasi..hahahaha...(gelak rika sumanto)

pastu..aku fkir kalu ade oven ..sng skit keje aku..so..aku dgn gigih bersemgat ajak la..hosmate aku g beli oven..paling kecik..mmg kecik giler..buleh masuk seketul ayam je aku rase..hahaha..dgb hrga 85hengget..so..cam lagi berkobar2 la smgat nieyh..

Then..pagi nieyh..aku breakfast..actually aku mmg xske breakfast..xtaw nape..mmg dri skolah..xske..tpi..sbb atkiners kne breakfast..aku masak la jgk pg tadi..

so..menu pg tadi..aku gigih buat relur rebus sexy..tpi xjadi..tlur rebus sexy tue..cm lagi sikit nk masak smua..tpi bkn half boiled..smlm grg tlur hngit gak..skit..pan tue la..lekat..haish..

so..menu pagi tadi

1-daging bger ayam ramly -1 je..1 je..salut ngan telur yg rebus xjadi..so aku goreng skali..
2-telur sexy..yg mmg dh masak spenuhya

tue jela..sebenarnya..rmly nye daging beger tue..nilai carbs die 7g taw..bnyok la plak..tpi aku mkn gak..saiko kan..asal xlebih 20g per day.  

ha...sblm aku lupekan diri aku sndri nanti aku nk ingatkan diri aku sdri..spye aku ingt dan xlupe..yg starting brat aku 59.5 semalam..ptg before balik keje..aku tmbng die jadi 59.1 400g je trun?? hahha..tue air..air yg hlg..bkn lemak

ha..ckp pasal air..aku mmg xske mnum air..dri kecik..tpi gigih nk krus nie..aku pksa diri aku..mnum 1.5L at least..ptotnye.. 2.5L perbody weight 25kg/L..xpe..slow2 la..hahahaha

ok..lagi satu..aku ambik teh..for detox..sbb xnk bg buncit perut..n sllu buang..sbb aku mmg bermaslah dlm bhn buangan..mls aku cite sini..kotor plak blog aku nieyh nnti..hahahaha..

so..esk..aku ptotnye nk pose bselang hari..tpi..esk aku masuk gym..jadi..xleh pose r..mati jap g..hahaha..

so..stay tuned..pas nie aku xkn update bebanyak dh..membebel2 like this..aku just update menu..berat..n exercise gitu jer hokey.. but..ha..pgi tadi aku timbang berat 59.3..nampak x..walau aku mkn..tpi 200g trun..syukur..hahaha..so..jom bersama2 aku wat uji kajian nie..hahaha..

kate2 bebelan aku : kalau kau xberubah..kau akan tersingkir dari permainan nie..this is the biggest loser..and you need to win..

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hati..jaga hati ye..


"Wey..aku rasa xsedap hati lah" Yatie mengomel padaku.

Saat itu aku masih di bangku sekolah. Masih bersama murid-murid tahun 2 berlari ketika waktu pendidikan jasmani. Kami berhenti di bawah pohon ketapang. Redup dan angin sepoi sepoi bahasa membuatkan kami melabuhkan punggung disitu.

"Hah?! Tak sedap hati tue macamane? Aku tak tahu pon." Aku menjawab aduan Yatie polos.

Memang benar saat itu aku masih belum mngerti erti sakit..terluka..kecewa..apatah lagi hati..yang tak sedap..bagaimana rasanya.

"Erm..aku rasa mcm tak sedap lah..mcm ade bnde buruk yang nak blaku." Yatie gigih menambah bicara untuk fahamkan aku.

"Owh..tak de papelah. Mungkin perasaan kau je kot." aku membalas untuk menenangkan Yatie.

Memang..memang aku tak pernah mengerti..seperti mana aku tak mengerti untuk keluarkan isi penting di dalam petikan karangan.Mungkin kerana aku lebih kurang matang daripada dia. Hidup aku hanya ketawa dan bahagia. Kalau menangis pun kerana dirotan mama. Esoknya masih lagi nakal.


Hari nie..aku tahu apa erti tak sedap hati. Susah hati dengan tak sedap hati memang erbeza.

Susah hati adalah bila kita risaukan sesuatu.

Tak sedap hati nie bila kita resah namun kita tak tahu yang diresahkan.

Terasa berdebar..nafas tersekat dan emosi tetibe rasa sedih.

Dari petang tadi aku rasa smua nie.. seperti ada sesuatu yang tak kena bakal berlaku

Mungkin orang yang dekat dengan kita dalam kesusahan.

Aku dah cal mama..aku dengar suara mama ok je dan aku yakin yang lain juga ok.

Cuma satu tempat aku tak mampu nk pastikan tak ada pape berlaku.

Hati aku...

Tuhan..aku mohon kau lindungilah orang yang aku sayangi dan orang yang menyayngi aku.

Kerana aku tahu jagaan di bawah naugan Dia adlah yang tbaik.inshaAllah.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Sumpah dan Cinta Matiku..

Cintaku selalu abadi..

Walau takdir tak pasti..

Cinta Matiku..

Sumpah..Sumpah Mati..

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

elama nafasku berhempus
Harapkanmu didepanku
Selama mataku memandang
Hanya kamu cinta matiku

Terimalah dirinya,rintihan hatiku
Yang terbalut dengan doaku
Inilah sumpahku dengarlah dunia

Sumpah mati sumpah (sumpah)
Sumpah mati (sumpah mati)
Sumpah mati aku hanya untukmu

Terimalah dirinya,rintihan hatiku
Yang terbalut dengan doaku
Inilah sumpahku dengarlah dunia

Cintanya slalu abadi
Walau takdir tak pasti
Kau slalu dihati cinta matiku
Slama aku berdoa melayangkan cinta
Yang slalu kujaga

Sumpah mati sumpah (sumpah)
Sumpah mati (sumpah mati)
Sumpah mati aku hanya untukmu

Sumpah mati sumpah (sumpah)
Sumpah mati (sumpah mati)
Sumpah mati aku hanya untukmu

Cintanya slalu abadi
Walau takdir tak pasti
Kau slalu dihati cinta matiku
Slama aku berdoa melayangkan cinta
Yang slalu kujaga

Sumpah mati sumpah (sumpah)
Sumpah mati (sumpah mati)
Sumpah mati aku hanya untukmu

Sumpah mati sumpah (sumpah)
Sumpah mati (sumpah mati)
Sumpah mati aku hanya untukmu

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I have it..but i don't belong into it..

Everybody has the own things to be proud of. Regardless what it is. Either family.Spouse.Money.Title.Job.etc.

But for me.I have nothing to proud of.I have nothing that make me special from others.

I have a family. That's maybe other people wish to have it. But I don't belong into it.
I don't feel proud to have a title of family but act just like a stranger.

I have money.That's maybe other people wish to have it. But I don't belong to it.. I don't feel proud to have money but I can't buy love.

I have job.That's maybe other people wish to have it. But I don't belong to it. I don't feel proud to have job but I can't do my work properly.

Some people may say..U will never thank for what you have until you lost it.

I thank for what I have..at least..I have..

But..I don't proud..

What I have today..is not what people want..Trust me.. It make me insecure.

and I just belong to Him..

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ape tue CINTA??

Ape tue CINTA??

Bile org tanye Lyan...

Ape tue CINTA..??

Lyan jawab..

CINTA tue..

Bila kita nampak sesuatu yang pelik atau 'kecacatan' yang xberapa nak cacat..atau..'keburukan' yang tak berapa buruk..

Akal tak terima..


Hati boleh terima seadanya..


Bila kau tengok dia angkat mangkuk tetengah ramai orang kat kedai makan..buat gaya mkn mamee sluurpp pulak..>_<

Dalam otak kau fikir..ehh..budak nie normal ke tak..xpernah aku nmpk org cenggini.

Tapi hati kau terima seadanya..disitu ade CINTA..