orang yang benar-benar mencintai kita sahaja yang akan faham maksud cinta itu apa..dan mungkin kita sendiri tidak akan memahaminya..cinta..tidak perlu sebab..utk segala hal..utk berkorban..utk bersama..utk saling mencintai..tiada sebab..hanya kerana cinta itu sendiri...kita sendiri yang mentakrifkan apa itu cinta..dan bagi aku..cinta adalah..bila dia bahagia...aku juga akan bahagia..dulu aku fikir..mustahil kebahagian dengan org lain adalah kebahgiaan aku..aku pasti menderita..betul..kita menderita..tapi menderita kerana gagal..utk memberikan yg terbaik..utk dia..namun..jika benar kita cintakannya..kenapa kita memaksa dia bersama kita..sedangkan dia merana..bersama kita..lepaskanlah..cinta tak semestinya memiliki..
1 Orang yang mencintai kamu tidak pernah mampu memberikan alasan kenapa dia mencintai kamu. Yang dia tahu di hati dan matanya hanya ada kamu satu-satunya.
2 Walaupun kamu sudah memiliki teman istimewa atau kekasih, dia tidak perduli! Baginya yang penting kamu bahagia dan kamu tetap menjadi impiannya.
3 Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu menerima kamu apa adanya, di hati dan matanya kamu selalu yang tercantik walaupun mungkin kamu merasa berat badan kamu sudah bertambah.
4 Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin tahu tentang apa saja yang kamu lalui sepanjang hari ini, dia ingin tahu kegiatan kamu.
5 Orang yang mencintai kamu akan mengirimkan SMS seperti ‘selamat pagi’, ‘selamat hari minggu’, ‘selamat tidur’, ‘take care’, dan lain-lain lagi, walaupun kamu tidak membalas SMS nya, kerana dengan kiriman SMS itu lah dia menyatakan cintanya, menyatakan dalam cara yang berbeza, bukan “aku CINTA padamu”, tapi berselindung ayat selain kata cinta itu.
6 Jika kamu menyambut hari jadi dan kamu tidak mengundangnya ke majlis yang kamu adakan, setidak-tidaknya dia akan menelefon untuk mengucapkan selamat atau mengirim SMS.
7 Orang yang mencintai kamu akan selalu mengingat setiap kejadian yang dia lalui bersama kamu, bahkan mungkin kejadian yang kamu sendiri sudah melupakannya, kerana saat itu ialah sesuatu yang berharga untuknya. dan saat itu, matanya pasti berkaca. kerana saat bersamamu itu tidak boleh berulang selalu.
8 Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu mengingati setiap kata-kata yang kamu ucapkan, bahkan mungkin kata-kata yang kamu sendiri lupa pernah mengungkapkannya. Kerana dia menyematkan kata-katamu di hatinya, berapa banyak kata-kata penuh harapan yang kau tuturkan padanya, dan akhirnya kau musnahkan? Pasti kau lupa, tetapi bukan orang yang mencintai kamu.
9 Orang yang mencintai kamu akan belajar menggemari lagu-lagu kegemaran kamu, bahkan mungkin meminjam CD milik kamu, kerana dia ingin tahu apa kegemaran kamu – kesukaan kamu kesukaannya juga, walaupun sukar meminati kesukaan kamu, tapi akhirnya dia berjaya.
10 Kalau kali terakhir kalian bertemu kamu mungkin sedang selesema, atau batuk-batuk, dia akan sentiasa mengirim SMS atau menelefon untuk bertanya keadaan kamu – kerana dia bimbangkan tentang kamu, peduli tentang kamu.
11 Jika kamu mengatakan akan menghadapi ujian, dia akan menanyakan bila ujian itu berlangsung, dan saat harinya tiba dia akan mengirimkan SMS ‘good luck’ untuk memberi semangat kepada kamu.
12 Orang yang mencintai kamu akan memberikan suatu barang miliknya yang mungkin buat kamu itu ialah sesuatu yang biasa, tetapi baginya barang itu sangat istimewa.
13 Orang yang mencintai kamu akan terdiam sesaat, ketika sedang bercakap di telefon dengan kamu, sehingga kamu menjadi bingung. Sebenarnya saat itu dia merasa sangat gugup kerana kamu telah menggegarkan dunianya. oh! dunia...
14 Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin berada di dekat kamu dan ingin menghabiskan hari-harinya hanya dengan kamu.
15Jika suatu saat kamu harus pindah ke daerah lain, dia akan sentiasa memberikan nasihat agar kamu waspada dengan persekitaran yang boleh membawa pengaruh buruk kepada kamu dan jauh.
16 Dihatinya dia benar-benar takut kehilangan kamu, pernah dengar ‘jauh dimata, dekat dihati?’
17 Orang yang mencintai kamu bertindak lebih seperti saudara daripada seperti seorang kekasih.
18 Orang yang mencintai kamu sering melakukan hal-hal yang SENGAL seperti menelefon kamu 100 kali dalam masa sehari. Atau mengejutkan kamu di tengah malam dengan mengirim SMS. Sebenarnya ketika itu dia sedang memikirkan kamu.
19 Orang yang mencintai kamu kadang-kadang merindukan kamu dan melakukan hal-hal yang membuat kamu pening kepala. Namun ketika kamu mengatakan tindakannya itu membuat kamu terganggu dia akan minta maaf dan tak akan melakukannya lagi.
20 Jika kamu memintanya untuk mengajarimu sesuatu maka ia akan mengajarimu dengan sabar walaupun kamu mungkin orang yang terbodoh di dunia! Bahkan dia begitu gembira kerana dapat membantu kamu. Dia tidak pernah mengelak dari menunaikan permintaan kamu walau sesukar mana permintaan mu.
21 Kalau kamu melihat handphone-nya maka nama kamu akan menghiasi sebahagian besar INBOX-nya. Dia masih menyimpan SMS-SMS dari kamu walaupun ia kamu kirim berbulan-bulan atau bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Dia juga menyimpan surat-surat kamu di tempat khas dan segala pemberian kamu menjadi benda-benda berharga buatnya.
22 Dan jika kamu cuba menjauhkan diri daripadanya atau memberi reaksi menolaknya, dia akan menyedarinya dan menghilang dari kehidupan kamu, walaupun hal itu membunuh hatinya.
23 Jika suatu saat kamu merindukannya dan ingin memberinya kesempatan dia akan ada menunggu kamu kerana sebenarnya dia tak pernah mencari orang lain, dia sentiasa menunggu kamu.
24 Orang yang begitu mencintaimu, tidak pernah memaksa kamu memberinya sebab dan alasan, walaupun hatinya meronta ingin mengetahui, kerana dia tidak mahu kamu terbeban dengan karenahnya. Saat kau pinta dia berlalu, dia pergi tanpa menyalahkan kamu, kerana dia benar-benar mengerti apa itu cinta.
p/s: CINTA itu bila BAHAGIA dirimu membuatkan aku BAHAGIA..bukan bahagia mu..adalah DERITAku..
Monday, August 25, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Hati ini masih keliru...
Sampai hari ini aku masih keliru...keliru dengan apa yang berlaku..bukan kerana salah kamu..tapi..kerana aku sendiri yang tidak mampu melupakan mu..apatah lagi dalam keadaan aku merinduimu..Engkau akan hadir..masih adakah cinta dihati mu?atau akukah yang terlalu memikirkan dan berharap..namun..aku tahu sampai ketika ini..sayang aku pada dirimu tidak pernah berkurang..apa yang mampu aku lakukan adalah berserah..dan sentiasa mendoakan mu..tatkala aku rindu pada mu yang amat sangat..aku lebih rela menangis ditikar sejadah dengan bertemankan Nya disisi,, Ya Allah..sesungguhnya..aku letih..namun aku takkan mengecewakanMu..aku tahu Engkau ingin melihat aku kuat..bagaimana aku harus melupakannya..melihatnya sahaja membuatkan hati aku sayang..mendengar suaranya membuatkan aku tenang..adakah diluar sana..ada wanita lain lebih memerlukan dia??pelbagai persoalan yang menerjah ke kepala aku..namun satu pun tiada berjawab..benar kata teman-temanku..kehadiranmu seketika membuatkan aku berharap..dan terus berharap..bagaimana aku harus melepaskan mu..kerana aku tidak pernah membencimu..bagaimana aku harus membenci mu..kerana kau tidak pernah menyakiti aku..walaupun dengan hal yang teramat mengecewakan aku..terdapat sejuta kebaikan yang kau tunjukkan kepada aku..terima kasih..aku sentiasa berharap..kamu berjaya..dalam hidup mu..walau pun mengakhirannya engkau bukanlah milik aku..aku akn tetap berusaha sehingga..aku tahu..ape yang sedang berlaku..dan apakah jawapannya..
Dalam Mihrab Cinta~~~
demi cinta ku pergitinggalkanmu relakanmuuntuk cinta tak pernahku sesali saat iniku alami ku lewati
reff:suatu saat ku kan kembalisungguh sebelum aku matidalam mihrab cinta ku berdoa semoga
suatu hari kau kan mengertisiapa yang paling mencintaidalam mihrab cinta ku berdoa padaNya
karena cinta ku ikhlaskansegalanya kepadanyauntuk cinta tak pernahku sesali saat iniku alami ku lewati
repeat reff [2x]
suatu saat ku kan kembalisungguh sebelum aku matidalam mihrab cinta ku berdoa semoga
suatu hari kau kan mengertisiapa yang paling mencintaidalam mihrab cinta ku berdoa padaNya semoga semoga
p/s: jika ia sebuah CINTA ia tidak memaksa...namun sentiaa BERUSAHA..
reff:suatu saat ku kan kembalisungguh sebelum aku matidalam mihrab cinta ku berdoa semoga
suatu hari kau kan mengertisiapa yang paling mencintaidalam mihrab cinta ku berdoa padaNya
karena cinta ku ikhlaskansegalanya kepadanyauntuk cinta tak pernahku sesali saat iniku alami ku lewati
repeat reff [2x]
suatu saat ku kan kembalisungguh sebelum aku matidalam mihrab cinta ku berdoa semoga
suatu hari kau kan mengertisiapa yang paling mencintaidalam mihrab cinta ku berdoa padaNya semoga semoga
p/s: jika ia sebuah CINTA ia tidak memaksa...namun sentiaa BERUSAHA..
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
An Unsend Letter
This is a letter.. I wrote to someone that should know all content inside but never send to him...
Dear You,
Its about 4 weeks ago we ended the relationships.. sometimes i juz thinking where am I wrong..if i fix that..can u take me back?? because I not really know what's the reasons was..so..I choose to explain everything in this letter..
First I'm so sorry for not replying your text..its not because of I dont love you anymore..but..because i love your more than before..Love doesnt need explaination..I swear not even one second your are out of my mind..every morning I juz thinking that I want to call you..wake u up..like before..but now..I know who I am..i dont wanna bother your morning mood..If i am nobody to you..and i dont even wanna become a problem to you.. :)
Lets go back through the days we had messed up..Maybe I still remember it or slightly remember.. One that day..I got a text that I need to move out from my apartment..because the head of housemate wanna go out..So I was so stress..I ask her to let me stay..and I myself will handle with the owner..but..she wont allow me..I feel a problems when i suddenly need to move out..coz i already feel comfortable here..And that day..U r so buzy..u wont text me even at once..I was so depressed..I wanna tell you..But jus thinking U go back home at 11.00pm ...and you are so tired..and i bother you with my problems..I dont wanna do that..I know you are tired..
But I still messed up with my problems..and its become so stress when I juz get to know..both of them..have a plan to expel me from the house..On that time I was so sad..Sad because of they stabbed me from my back..I trust them as a friend.. I something wrong with me,,,they can tell me directly..but this is I get after I do all good deeds to them.?? I know..I wont ask for repay for my deeds..but..why you do this to me..and I think because of I was so sad..stress..and i have no one to talk to..with my mood swings because of menstrual time..remember that night??
After I say..I wont sacrifice anything for anybody..after this what I do is behalf on my God only..you ask me..who the one you means about?its that me? No.I reply nope.nobody.not you...if i not mistaken..after this..you start being far and different towards me..either you feel my says is towards you or anything else that i dont know..
If you think that Im say this to you and you are wrong..totally wrong..why you dont ask for explaination?everytime i feel bad..i ask for explaination..even at we broke up right..because the only things can make someone understand is explaination..not an assumption..assumption juz make things worst..so i guess your assumption is totally wrong..if you do it..
Okay..I know Im not perfect..i always..get angry and moody..and i will say u are not appreciate what I give too many times..but dont you think it just when I get angry then i will say that..If not..i wont..rite?? Nobody perfect..even you r not at all..but..I juz wanna tell this..why..you wont advises to change my habit..my bad habit..its okay for me..u dont want to control me..even you know it rite..then at the end..you just let me go...u are not perfect either..many things that you do..that make me angry..but.. i never let you go..why???i dont need anybody perfect coz i wont find it..never..find anybody perfect..but..its not easy..to find someone that completely make me feel perfect..beside him..but im sure u can find perfect person for you..
This is the only thing i want you to know..because..this is the things i wont have time to explain..and u wont ask..u the only one who have no time to ask for explaination..if this is the reason of our breakup..then..i think its shouldnt be like this..if my attitude goes wrong..why wont your ask me to behave..its not..about 6 month we get to know each other.its 6 years..
But if you cannot accept me..for what and who I am..i have no more explaination...
Dear You,
Its about 4 weeks ago we ended the relationships.. sometimes i juz thinking where am I wrong..if i fix that..can u take me back?? because I not really know what's the reasons was..so..I choose to explain everything in this letter..
First I'm so sorry for not replying your text..its not because of I dont love you anymore..but..because i love your more than before..Love doesnt need explaination..I swear not even one second your are out of my mind..every morning I juz thinking that I want to call you..wake u up..like before..but now..I know who I am..i dont wanna bother your morning mood..If i am nobody to you..and i dont even wanna become a problem to you.. :)
Lets go back through the days we had messed up..Maybe I still remember it or slightly remember.. One that day..I got a text that I need to move out from my apartment..because the head of housemate wanna go out..So I was so stress..I ask her to let me stay..and I myself will handle with the owner..but..she wont allow me..I feel a problems when i suddenly need to move out..coz i already feel comfortable here..And that day..U r so buzy..u wont text me even at once..I was so depressed..I wanna tell you..But jus thinking U go back home at 11.00pm ...and you are so tired..and i bother you with my problems..I dont wanna do that..I know you are tired..
But I still messed up with my problems..and its become so stress when I juz get to know..both of them..have a plan to expel me from the house..On that time I was so sad..Sad because of they stabbed me from my back..I trust them as a friend.. I something wrong with me,,,they can tell me directly..but this is I get after I do all good deeds to them.?? I know..I wont ask for repay for my deeds..but..why you do this to me..and I think because of I was so sad..stress..and i have no one to talk to..with my mood swings because of menstrual time..remember that night??
After I say..I wont sacrifice anything for anybody..after this what I do is behalf on my God only..you ask me..who the one you means about?its that me? No.I reply nope.nobody.not you...if i not mistaken..after this..you start being far and different towards me..either you feel my says is towards you or anything else that i dont know..
If you think that Im say this to you and you are wrong..totally wrong..why you dont ask for explaination?everytime i feel bad..i ask for explaination..even at we broke up right..because the only things can make someone understand is explaination..not an assumption..assumption juz make things worst..so i guess your assumption is totally wrong..if you do it..
Okay..I know Im not perfect..i always..get angry and moody..and i will say u are not appreciate what I give too many times..but dont you think it just when I get angry then i will say that..If not..i wont..rite?? Nobody perfect..even you r not at all..but..I juz wanna tell this..why..you wont advises to change my habit..my bad habit..its okay for me..u dont want to control me..even you know it rite..then at the end..you just let me go...u are not perfect either..many things that you do..that make me angry..but.. i never let you go..why???i dont need anybody perfect coz i wont find it..never..find anybody perfect..but..its not easy..to find someone that completely make me feel perfect..beside him..but im sure u can find perfect person for you..
This is the only thing i want you to know..because..this is the things i wont have time to explain..and u wont ask..u the only one who have no time to ask for explaination..if this is the reason of our breakup..then..i think its shouldnt be like this..if my attitude goes wrong..why wont your ask me to behave..its not..about 6 month we get to know each other.its 6 years..
But if you cannot accept me..for what and who I am..i have no more explaination...
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
A Girl, A Teacher and A Game...
This time entry I juz wanna tell a story about reality life of a girl..a teacher..and a game..
There is a girl..who had learn in a school..she met a lot of teacher in her life..all the teachers give her lot things to learn..that make her self stronger and matured..learn about life..reality and many things.. but..when she steps into a college..she found another teachers to teach her new things..on that time she was so plain..nothing to worry about..what she actually learn is just, she and herself..friendship..and a little bit..problems to solve..with this all experiences she built her self tougher and tougher..the plain was a little bit slowly colored with new life pattern..and one day..she found a teacher..a teacher that she never knew that will change her life forever..
That girl never thinking of finding that teacher..its fate...and suddenly..happen..
day by day..she feel so comfortable with that teacher..she juz go with the flow..all things that the girl do..will be supported by her teacher..the teacher give her happiness.. strength..motivation..and whole complete life..without knowing that teacher is sending for her is juz for a game that she need to faced at the end....she didnt know..that shes in a game..a very big game....
Month by month..years..by years..that girl..is juz feel happy with her life..she did not even notice that..she already forget to stand by herself..to color her life by her own..she juz..depend her whole life to the teacher..even shes fly without using her wings..but by laying on her teacher's wings..she feel life is so wonderful by her teacher on her side..there's no problems cannot be solve..
Here and there..they all doing all things together..not even a second the teacher left that girl alone...not even a second..that's the reason why the girl..is forget all things right now...when she met with the teacher..she only try to learn what life is... and before she complete learnt it by herself..the teachers come and stay beside her..
Unfortunately, that girl was falling for the teacher after too many years being together..she now cannot live without her teacher..because all things was depend on her teacher..all things before she met with the teacher already forgotten because of too many years..never care about it..and never thinking that she was in a game..the teacher just make she live in a fantasy..dreaming..believes..all things is always good and the sun always bright...
No...no..no..then the times is coming..the teacher already finished the contract to teach that girl...after the teacher is gone..now its time to that girl seat for a game and play...either she win or lose and game will over..
One day..she was told by her teacher..that's the time..she will face the game alone without her teacher..how could her?? She don't even know how to spread her wings..and now how she gonna fly and start the battle..she stuck..dont know how to face the game alone..
Everyday she cry..and cry..and cry..asking God for return back her teacher..but..if the God return back her teacher..would she learn this time? Nope..so..she keep crying..crying..where's the teacher? where's the teacher go? the teacher already disappeared without care..what gonna happen next..now..the girl left alone..
The battle now started..not matter she's ready or not...all her friends give lots of tips and motivation..so she could win the games..but..its doesnt work..she still hope that her teacher coming back..for her..and face the battle together..even..it is impossible..the teacher is just a fantasy..its her fault because forget all things can be happen one day..even..her family was there..give all their strength..to her..but still doesnt work.. for that girl..she still hope this reality is just a nightmare..but actually the fantasy is the nightmare one..
This is not the teachers fault...because..he just sending by God to teach the girl...but unfortunately..the girl was falling in love with him...for 6 years...then the teacher open up his secret..where..he actually cannot get along with her anymore...the time is coming..that is the truth..then the teacher need to say some reason..the best reasons that he choose just to not hurting the girl feelings..
Anyhow the reasons still make the girl wondering..why..after she have a thousand of reason to let him go..she just keep it inside..because with just one greater reason can eliminate all the thousand reasons..but..because of one reason he can eliminate her..from his life...this will never be answered..
Now..with heart like storming..feelings like acid rain..she try her best..with all her strength..just a little left..and walk..try to live her own..without any teacher anymore..Afraid of trusting..falling into...fantasy..and everything..why wont she?because..for many years..she learn not to see problems in problems with him..everything gonna be alright..sooner or later..
Its so hard for her..because..everyday..she always eliminate the bad things about the teacher..until..she can accept and see the best in him only..how..she gonna..forget..even hating him is impossible...and everyday..she hope..that one day her teacher is come back but into the reality..to keep his promise..There's something we call HOPE if we keep TRYING..AND the GAMES is still running..but either..WIN or LOSE we wont know yet..coz..the game is not OVER yet..
#p/s: God, if he the best creation for me..please give him back to me when the time is rite...if he wont...please make him happy with the best girl..coz..i know U know..I cant even see his tears fall down..i will love him..as long as U allow me to love him..even..U make he stop loving me anymore..then..I can tell the ending of the story..either the GAMES is WIN or LOSE.
If I LOSE just give me YOUR STRENGTH a little bit..If I WIN..THANKS God..
There is a girl..who had learn in a school..she met a lot of teacher in her life..all the teachers give her lot things to learn..that make her self stronger and matured..learn about life..reality and many things.. but..when she steps into a college..she found another teachers to teach her new things..on that time she was so plain..nothing to worry about..what she actually learn is just, she and herself..friendship..and a little bit..problems to solve..with this all experiences she built her self tougher and tougher..the plain was a little bit slowly colored with new life pattern..and one day..she found a teacher..a teacher that she never knew that will change her life forever..
That girl never thinking of finding that teacher..its fate...and suddenly..happen..
day by day..she feel so comfortable with that teacher..she juz go with the flow..all things that the girl do..will be supported by her teacher..the teacher give her happiness.. strength..motivation..and whole complete life..without knowing that teacher is sending for her is juz for a game that she need to faced at the end....she didnt know..that shes in a game..a very big game....
Month by month..years..by years..that girl..is juz feel happy with her life..she did not even notice that..she already forget to stand by herself..to color her life by her own..she juz..depend her whole life to the teacher..even shes fly without using her wings..but by laying on her teacher's wings..she feel life is so wonderful by her teacher on her side..there's no problems cannot be solve..
Here and there..they all doing all things together..not even a second the teacher left that girl alone...not even a second..that's the reason why the girl..is forget all things right now...when she met with the teacher..she only try to learn what life is... and before she complete learnt it by herself..the teachers come and stay beside her..
Unfortunately, that girl was falling for the teacher after too many years being together..she now cannot live without her teacher..because all things was depend on her teacher..all things before she met with the teacher already forgotten because of too many years..never care about it..and never thinking that she was in a game..the teacher just make she live in a fantasy..dreaming..believes..all things is always good and the sun always bright...
No...no..no..then the times is coming..the teacher already finished the contract to teach that girl...after the teacher is gone..now its time to that girl seat for a game and play...either she win or lose and game will over..
One day..she was told by her teacher..that's the time..she will face the game alone without her teacher..how could her?? She don't even know how to spread her wings..and now how she gonna fly and start the battle..she stuck..dont know how to face the game alone..
Everyday she cry..and cry..and cry..asking God for return back her teacher..but..if the God return back her teacher..would she learn this time? Nope..so..she keep crying..crying..where's the teacher? where's the teacher go? the teacher already disappeared without care..what gonna happen next..now..the girl left alone..
The battle now started..not matter she's ready or not...all her friends give lots of tips and motivation..so she could win the games..but..its doesnt work..she still hope that her teacher coming back..for her..and face the battle together..even..it is impossible..the teacher is just a fantasy..its her fault because forget all things can be happen one day..even..her family was there..give all their strength..to her..but still doesnt work.. for that girl..she still hope this reality is just a nightmare..but actually the fantasy is the nightmare one..
This is not the teachers fault...because..he just sending by God to teach the girl...but unfortunately..the girl was falling in love with him...for 6 years...then the teacher open up his secret..where..he actually cannot get along with her anymore...the time is coming..that is the truth..then the teacher need to say some reason..the best reasons that he choose just to not hurting the girl feelings..
Anyhow the reasons still make the girl wondering..why..after she have a thousand of reason to let him go..she just keep it inside..because with just one greater reason can eliminate all the thousand reasons..but..because of one reason he can eliminate her..from his life...this will never be answered..
Now..with heart like storming..feelings like acid rain..she try her best..with all her strength..just a little left..and walk..try to live her own..without any teacher anymore..Afraid of trusting..falling into...fantasy..and everything..why wont she?because..for many years..she learn not to see problems in problems with him..everything gonna be alright..sooner or later..
Its so hard for her..because..everyday..she always eliminate the bad things about the teacher..until..she can accept and see the best in him only..how..she gonna..forget..even hating him is impossible...and everyday..she hope..that one day her teacher is come back but into the reality..to keep his promise..There's something we call HOPE if we keep TRYING..AND the GAMES is still running..but either..WIN or LOSE we wont know yet..coz..the game is not OVER yet..
#p/s: God, if he the best creation for me..please give him back to me when the time is rite...if he wont...please make him happy with the best girl..coz..i know U know..I cant even see his tears fall down..i will love him..as long as U allow me to love him..even..U make he stop loving me anymore..then..I can tell the ending of the story..either the GAMES is WIN or LOSE.
If I LOSE just give me YOUR STRENGTH a little bit..If I WIN..THANKS God..
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