This time entry I juz wanna tell a story about reality life of a girl..a teacher..and a game..
There is a girl..who had learn in a school..she met a lot of teacher in her life..all the teachers give her lot things to learn..that make her self stronger and matured..learn about life..reality and many things.. but..when she steps into a college..she found another teachers to teach her new things..on that time she was so plain..nothing to worry about..what she actually learn is just, she and herself..friendship..and a little bit..problems to solve..with this all experiences she built her self tougher and tougher..the plain was a little bit slowly colored with new life pattern..and one day..she found a teacher..a teacher that she never knew that will change her life forever..
That girl never thinking of finding that teacher..its fate...and suddenly..happen..
day by day..she feel so comfortable with that teacher..she juz go with the flow..all things that the girl do..will be supported by her teacher..the teacher give her happiness.. strength..motivation..and whole complete life..without knowing that teacher is sending for her is juz for a game that she need to faced at the end....she didnt know..that shes in a game..a very big game....
Month by years..that juz feel happy with her life..she did not even notice that..she already forget to stand by color her life by her own..she juz..depend her whole life to the teacher..even shes fly without using her wings..but by laying on her teacher's wings..she feel life is so wonderful by her teacher on her side..there's no problems cannot be solve..
Here and there..they all doing all things together..not even a second the teacher left that girl alone...not even a second..that's the reason why the forget all things right now...when she met with the teacher..she only try to learn what life is... and before she complete learnt it by herself..the teachers come and stay beside her..
Unfortunately, that girl was falling for the teacher after too many years being together..she now cannot live without her teacher..because all things was depend on her teacher..all things before she met with the teacher already forgotten because of too many years..never care about it..and never thinking that she was in a game..the teacher just make she live in a fantasy..dreaming..believes..all things is always good and the sun always bright... the times is coming..the teacher already finished the contract to teach that girl...after the teacher is its time to that girl seat for a game and play...either she win or lose and game will over..
One day..she was told by her teacher..that's the time..she will face the game alone without her could her?? She don't even know how to spread her wings..and now how she gonna fly and start the battle..she stuck..dont know how to face the game alone..
Everyday she cry..and cry..and cry..asking God for return back her teacher..but..if the God return back her teacher..would she learn this time? keep crying..crying..where's the teacher? where's the teacher go? the teacher already disappeared without care..what gonna happen girl left alone..
The battle now started..not matter she's ready or not...all her friends give lots of tips and she could win the games..but..its doesnt work..she still hope that her teacher coming back..for her..and face the battle is impossible..the teacher is just a fantasy..its her fault because forget all things can be happen one day..even..her family was there..give all their her..but still doesnt work.. for that girl..she still hope this reality is just a nightmare..but actually the fantasy is the nightmare one..
This is not the teachers fault...because..he just sending by God to teach the girl...but unfortunately..the girl was falling in love with him...for 6 years...then the teacher open up his secret..where..he actually cannot get along with her anymore...the time is coming..that is the truth..then the teacher need to say some reason..the best reasons that he choose just to not hurting the girl feelings..
Anyhow the reasons still make the girl wondering..why..after she have a thousand of reason to let him go..she just keep it inside..because with just one greater reason can eliminate all the thousand reasons..but..because of one reason he can eliminate her..from his life...this will never be answered..
Now..with heart like storming..feelings like acid rain..she try her best..with all her strength..just a little left..and walk..try to live her own..without any teacher anymore..Afraid of trusting..falling into...fantasy..and everything..why wont she?because..for many years..she learn not to see problems in problems with him..everything gonna be alright..sooner or later..
Its so hard for her..because..everyday..she always eliminate the bad things about the teacher..until..she can accept and see the best in him gonna..forget..even hating him is impossible...and everyday..she hope..that one day her teacher is come back but into the keep his promise..There's something we call HOPE if we keep TRYING..AND the GAMES is still running..but either..WIN or LOSE we wont know yet..coz..the game is not OVER yet..
#p/s: God, if he the best creation for me..please give him back to me when the time is rite...if he wont...please make him happy with the best girl..coz..i know U know..I cant even see his tears fall down..i will love long as U allow me to love him..even..U make he stop loving me anymore..then..I can tell the ending of the story..either the GAMES is WIN or LOSE.
If I LOSE just give me YOUR STRENGTH a little bit..If I WIN..THANKS God..
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